
How To Take Registry Backup In Windows Server 2012 R2

Any fourth dimension yous make a modify to the Windows Registry, any responsible article volition probably tell you to fill-in the registry first. But how do you do that? It's not quite as simple as you might think.

You tin can't simply backup and restore the registry like whatever other file — much of information technology can't exist modified by hand, and the files themselves can't be replaced or copied over, at least not while Windows is running. And you can't restore a full backup of the registry from an export file either.

But there are a number of things you tin do to fill-in sections of the registry, and yous can employ Organization Restore to really restore the registry back to a previous state. Keep reading for all the details.

What is the Registry?

The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that contains all of the configurations and settings used past components, services, applications, and pretty much everything in Windows.

RELATED: Learning to Use the Registry Editor Like a Pro

The registry has 2 basic concepts to exist aware of: Keys and Values. Registry Keys are objects that are basically folders, and in the interface fifty-fifty look exactly like folders. Values are a bit similar the files in the folders, and they contain the actual settings.

For more on the registry and how information technology works, be sure to read our guide to using the registry editor like a pro.

Bankroll up and Restoring Sections of the Windows Registry

For the most office, all you demand to know is how to backup and restoresections of the registry, especially those sections that you might be attempting to edit. Luckily this process is fairly simple and works quite well almost all of the time.

Y'all can also backup sections of the registry that bargain with application settings. Simply head down to HKCU\Software or HKLM\Software and discover the key that represents the application manufacturer that yous're trying to backup.

Not all applications store their settings in the registry, merely for those that do, you can often relieve their settings to a backup file using this technique, and then if you take to reinstall your computer, you lot can reinstall the application and just restore the settings by double-clicking on the registry backup file. It'southward worth noting that this isn't a foolproof procedure, but nosotros've used it quite a bit over the years.

For example, if you were messing around in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\ to attempt and remove some items from the Windows Context card, y'all probably wouldn't want to make whatsoever serious changes without having a backup. And yes, the Briefcase is all the same a thing for some reason.

To backup that section of the registry, only right-click on the primal on the left-hand pane and choose Export from the carte du jour, saving the file out with a name that you lot'll recognize later. We'll save it as HKCRstar.reg.

At present you lot can go ahead and make whatever changes you'd similar to test from underneath that key, because you have a backup file.

Restoring that backup is equally uncomplicated as double-clicking on the icon and choosing to restore the information into the registry.

Y'all can use the aforementioned technique for anything in the registry you'd similar to fill-in… simply you can't use this for restoring the entire registry. And if y'all attempt to delete the whole registry, things are going to pause.

Backing Upwards the Whole Registry to a .reg File

You can absolutely make a whole re-create of the registry every bit a .reg file by exporting from the root node. Right-click, and export.

The resulting file will be enormously gigantic, and you probably don't want to open it up in Notepad.

If you double-click on the registry file, y'all'll encounter an fault message letting you know that non all of the entries were restored considering some of the keys are open up past the system, etc.

And that's the problem with this method of backing up the registry — it doesn't work all that well for serious changes like installing applications or something else where you might really need to restore the whole registry. You lot also really don't desire to keep this blazon of full registry backup around for a long time, because there's no way to know what changes are stored in that registry file and whether or not they are going to break something when y'all restore information technology.

Luckily there's a meliorate style to backup the registry, and it won't break your PC.

Using System Restore to Properly Backup Your Registry

Any fourth dimension you're going to be making serious changes to the registry, installing things like drivers, or changing a lot of settings all at once, yous should just set a System Restore point, which you can easily use to restore from at a later date. It also has the side effect of doing a fill-in of the registry.

You can make a restore point hands in just a few clicks. Search the Offset Menu or screen for "Create restore betoken" and y'all'll be presented with the option existent quick.

Now you can click the Create push, give the restore signal a descriptive name, and it will be immediately created.

To restore from that restore indicate, just search the Offset Carte du jour for "Organisation Restore" and open up the wizard. Select the restore betoken you want to restore from, get through the sorcerer, and that'southward it.

You'll often take ameliorate luck restoring from Safe Way though. If y'all are running Windows viii or later, you can actually admission both Condom Fashion, and Arrangement Restore, directly from the kick menu past using Shift+Restart.


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