
Four new major apps for Windows Phone shown off at Mobile Acceleration Week


Microsoft looks to be hosting a Mobile Acceleration Week this week in New York Metropolis and TechCrunch managed to track down some of the devs there edifice apps. The plan itself is a way for developers to come together with Microsoft to go their apps fast-tracked to the Market past working with Redmond direct--it'south like staying later on schoolhouse with the teacher for a power tutoring session. These sessions happen oftentimes and at various places all the time, so in that sense, nothing new. However here we get to see some new apps that are headed our way. All of these are available on iOS and/or Android, then they await to be bigger-name apps ported over to the Windows Phone--always a practiced sign.

  • Flud - Some other RSS reader popular on the iPhone just with a twist--social networking. Evidently you lot tin can see what your friends are reading and vice-versa. And so it's similar Facebook but potentially less annoying. The app looks to headed our way past January.
  • Get-a-game - Here's an app for you ballers out at that place who want to pick upward a game at your local park. Basically it's more social networking but folks who want to play a quick game...of annihilation.  Certainly unique and we suppose puts Bing and networking to go use on your telephone.
  • GateGuru - This should be huge. GateGuru provides "...airport directories, ratings and reviews for shops inside the airports, social media sharing, itinerary direction, wait times for security lines, and reviews/tips for airports". Phew! If yous travel a lot, how could you not want this app?
  • - is plain similar Foursquare but for things instead of places. Basically you checkin with an item (shoes, services, your coffee) and then purchase and rate the item. You become more points for more interaction. Sounds kind of like Foodspotting but for stuff. We're non as well crazy well-nigh that but nosotros meet some merit in it.

Not a bad lineup if you lot ask us and those are but a few of the apps coming downward the motorway. While they may non be the killer, unique apps that the platform could benefit from, it's a expert sign that and so many devs from other platforms are now embracing Windows Telephone. In fact, that's great news every bit it helps level the playing field.

Source: TechCrunch


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